
il Villaggio is a unique 55+ non-charismatic Evangelical Christian community in that all residents must meet a specific criteria in order to live here.

Residents do not have to be “retired.”  Many of our residents have full or part time jobs, or remain very active by volunteering in the community.

Therefore, in order to maintain the tranquil lifestyle that the people at il Villaggio enjoy, including living in a community of like-minded Evangelical Christians, the following standards have been established for application and acceptance for residence. The minimum age of the applicant or spouse is 55 years of age.

Applicant must be active member of a non-charismatic evangelical church for at least 10 years (Gal. 5:13) and be involved in serving (full-time/part-time/voluntary or paid) in one or more of the following areas:

  • Churches (Pastorate, Chaplaincy, Sunday School teaching or any serving position or function)
  • Missions, Mission Boards, etc.
  • Evangelical Christian Ministries
  • Evangelical Organizations
  • Evangelical Christian Schools

A letter of recommendation must be received from the pastor of the church where the applicant is currently a member, confirming the date on which membership began, and stating that the applicant is a member in good standing.

Each applicant must be doctrinally compatible and agree with the il Villaggio Doctrinal Statement of Faith and abide by the  standards of conduct as reflected in the Resident Manual.


Permanent and Temporary housing applications are available upon request to the Leasing Office via email.

Please contact sloi@ilvillaggiohomes.com.

Acceptance is contingent upon Board approval and the availability of housing.